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Monday, August 2, 2010

Remembering My Pumping Days for Fish #1 and Preparing for My Pumping Days for Fish #2

Oh my Medela PISA (Pump In Style Advanced)...have I told you lately how much I love thee?

Thinking back to the begining of our journey after I decided to exclusively pump for my dear son...the time when I was pumping 10+ times a day and getting used to a brand new baby...., I never thought I would love my pump and eventually be sad to telll it goodbye when my big little transitioned to soy milk. I had over my 10 month journey come a long way, and I had a very fond appreciation for my pump. It had allowed me to provide precious liquid gold to my baby boy.

And now....10 months later...this time around I have had a little more luck with breastfeeding which is awesome! But tomorrow is my first day back at work, and I will proudly start back up my relationship with my pump. I am hoping that it remembers me and treats me well, and helps me get enough milk for my dear daughter during her days away from me. Please say a little prayer for me as I am sure that tomorrow will be a little tough for me as I will sure to be missing my Little Miss E!

Happy World Breastfeeding Week!

Mommy milk is important to me! So much that after 9 weeks of struggling with nursing my first born dear son Jack, I took on the challenge of exclusively pumping. And I continued eping until I found out I was pregnant with Fish #2 when he was 10 months old.

I would not describe eping as difficult, although it required a huge commitment of time and worry. The hardest part for me was not knowing if I was doing enough to keep up my supply. The early days were more than hard....the never ending cycles of nursing, pumping, feeding, nursing, pumping, feeding. Battling a low supply, several rounds of thrush, weeks of cracked nipples, out of control hormones, a resented c-section, numerous unsuccessful visits with the lactation consultant and an unhappy baby at every feeding session. The exhaustion and the frustration mounted until I finally made the decision to focus on pumping. The decision was bitter sweet as I now had pure focus which gave me even more determination and motivation to succeed against the odds and what I had heard over and over from the many doctors and nurses. But on the other hand, I also felt as though I had failed myself as a woman and a mother and that I had deprived my baby of the ever special bond that resulted from nursing.

Once the decison was made, I stepped up to the challenge, pumping 12+ times daily in order to build my supply so that I could eliminate formula from our house! It got a lot easier as time went on and it became a big part of my daily routine. And when the time came to hang up the pumping horns, it was even more difficult for me than some of the early days of nursing (as you will see in my post tomorrow).

This time with my dear daughter Eloise it has been much of the same and yet so different. I was obviously better prepared for battle this time. The battle against doctors, others opinions and my own body. This time, I would stand my ground and refuse to supplement. I would have Newman's ointment and my trusty Medela PISA ready to employ if needed. I would understand that the first month or so would be dedicated to nursing and building a supply. With Eloise, things started off on the right foot as I Vbac'ed and got to nurse her immediately following her birth. But slow weight gain and extended jaundice brought on the supplementing recommendations right away. But with the encouragement of my mother and a great lactation consultant, I held strong. I supplemented but with mommy milk instead of formula. I am very proud of the fact that we have made it to 11 weeks of nursing! We have encountered low milk supply, slower weight gain and nipple confusion, but things are going ok. We still have good days and bad days....but all in all we are still nursing and enjoying each day of it! It is kind of funny as pumping is now my comfort zone and it would be so easy to go back to that. They definitely each have their positives and negatives (look for a post on this later this week).

I know one thing for sure, whatever way you do it, it is worth it! It has been one of the most challenging but rewarding parts of motherhood for me thus far. It is a sacrafice that many mothers make for their babies. And this sacrafice should be praised! Join me and follow my posts dedicated to breastfeeding this week as we celebrate world breastfeeding week!

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Yes..PWD...Pumping while driving of course! Although I do not recommend it....I have to admit I have done it on several occassions....and the opportunity arose for the first time in my bf adventures with Fish #2. Well...thank goodness the majority of my one on one time with my Medela PISA in the car has come in the back seat or in the passenger seat. Official PWD requires being in the driver seat. With Fish #1, I had a 45 minute commute each way to work...and would spend many miles of these trips pumping away. Multi-tasking in its truest essence....Especially for a high strung type A personality with a never ending list of to do's. This time...I am doing a lot less pumping and almost all of the pumping takes place in the comfort of my own home. This latest episode brought back the not so far forgotten memories of PWD. Steps include pulling off the road, putting on the pumping bra and the hooter hider cover, plugging the pump into the car lighter, getting the pump parts out of the pump cooler, hooking up the bottles and "engaging" the horns. Ready, Set, Pump and Drive! Once your pumping session is complete, you must pull over to safely de-engage and unplug! Atleast I have never gotten pulled over...that would be some interesting explaining. I am trying not to make it a habit of it this time! Anyone else ever tried PWD??? or am I the only crazy one atleast to admit it? My latest adventure occurred on my 3 hour drive to SH this weekend. Both kids were sleeping...making it an easy decision. I was about to wake a sleeping baby and a sleeping toddler when I had at least 90 minutes left in the car! I am happy to report we made it to our destination safely with 5 additional ounces of mommy milk!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Successful VBAC!!!!

Yes, she is here! On May 20, 2010 at 8:39, we welcomed our baby girl, Eloise Diane Fisher, weighing in at 7 pounds 6 ounces and 19.5 inches long! Her birth story is very different from that of Jack's, and I am pretty proud and have to share it. At my 39 week appointment, my doctor scheduled me for an induction on Sunday, May 23, not wanting me to go past 40 weeks. I was so hoping that she would come on her own before then, and indeed she did! I woke up about an hour after going to bed on Wednesday night at 12:30 AM to contractions. When I woke up, my water also broke! Got up, gathered my things, woke up Patrick and my Mom and off to the hospital we went. When we got to the hospital at about 2:00 AM, I was admitted and hooked up to the wireless monitor and given clearance to walk and access to my birth ball in hopes to keep things progressing. Things were progressing well for the first half of the day until I stalled out at around 9 cm. I was trying to go naturally without the epidural for many reasons. My mom made this a possibility as she coached me through the contractions. Once my progression stalled, I continued to have very strong contractions and got more tired as the day wore on. Early that evening, the doctor gave me 2 choices at this point....have a repeat c-section or start pitocin to augment my labor. I still wanted to avoid another c-section at all costs as long as the baby remained healthy and stable. The plan was to start a low dose of pitocin once my doctor made it to the hospital after seeing his patients for the day. I decided with pitocin in my near future...that I needed the epi. I got it at around 6 PM. Unfortunately, I had to get 2 because the 1st didn't take. This process was probably the most painful part of the entire day as I was having very strong contractions and it was extremely difficult to sit still. I was hoping to rest for an hour before the pit but not my luck. The epi took the edge off...but I was still in a lot of pain. At this point, I was exhausted and struggled to find my focus and get ahead of the pain. Doctor started pit at around 7 PM. A half hour later I was really struggling feeling like it was time to give up as I didn't think I could do it any longer. It was at that point that I accepted the real possibility of another section. Doctor checked me, and to my surprise I was complete, and baby was low and it was time to PUSH! The rest was easy....I was on top of the world....a real high that it is indescribable. After about an hour of pushing...she was here! I got my dream. A healthy baby girl delivered naturally. We went home the very next day and the recovery has been amazingly good!I have so many people to thank. First of all, with out Patrick and my mom....I defintely could not have acheived this. Patrick provided the support I needed, and wouldn't let me give up in the end...encouraging me to keep fighting. My mom coached me throughout the entire 18 hour labor helping me keep my focus and get through each and every contraction. I didn't realize how important this would be, and she definitely stepped up to this challenge...not only being my loving mother but a faithful birth doula! I will never forget May 20, 2010! I got VBAC, yes all of my research and prayers of course paid off!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Letter to Jack

Dear Jack-

You are about to take on the new title of big brother! At this point of time, it is still really tough to comprehend how the word big and my little Jack fit into the same sentence. Not even nineteen months after your big arrival taking us from a couple to a family, God is blessing us all with another beautiful gift of love, a baby girl, a little sister for Jack. Words can not describe how you have changed us in this time. You fill our hearts with love and our lives with joy. Watching you grow into your own little person creates such happiness in our house. Your smile contagious, your laughter fills the room, your sweetness so pure, ready to conquer the world. I cherish our special times spent together dancing, singing, twirling hair, walking and reading. You are a very special boy. You have taught me so much in your short time. Above all else you have taught me to be a mommy, the most challenging and rewarding experience that I ever could have imagined. I look forward to teaching you to be a big brother. I love you forever, my baby boy you will always be.

With Love

Friday, April 30, 2010

Shopping for Shoes!

Shoes...yes I have been on a shoe kick for Jack as of late. Check out all the new kicks I have recently collected. Some were cheap while other were not. All are way cute. Happy feet deserve cute shoes!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Top 10

Top 10 Things I Miss About My Life Before Kids
  1. Sleeping In
  2. Catching a Movie
  3. A Clean House
  4. Time Alone With My Thoughts
  5. Did I mention Sleeping In
  6. Being Able to Work When Ever I Want
  7. Work Outs (Other Than Chasing Around My Busy 17 Month Old)
  8. Shopping For Myself
  9. Pedicures and Getting My Hair Done
  10. Being Able to Get Out of the House or Be Somewhere With 5 Minutes Notice

Top 10 Things I Have Discovered After Kids

  1. The world of cloth diapering
  2. Craigslist
  3. My Love for Blogging
  4. Ebay
  5. Special Appreciation for my Mom
  6. Baby Gap
  7. Medela PISA
  8. Day Care is Expensive
  9. Little Wonders and Firsts are Worth More than Anything Money Can Buy
  10. Yo Gabba Gabba (Latest Fav)

I would never change one minute in time. Everything means so much more since we have been blessed with our Jack. Enjoying him more everyday knowing that a second blessing is joining us in May. Now only need to work on convincing daddy that mommy needs to be able to sleep in more!